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Privacy statement

General Information concerning the data controller and the register


This is a privacy statement concerning the client-, marketing- and supplier register of Linkoneva Legal Oy (business identity code: 3107872-4) (”LL”). Contact details of LL are as follows:


  • Contact person: Ilkka Linkoneva

  • Email:;

  • Website:;

  • Phone: +358 40 6684669; and

  • Address: Lautatarhankatu 10, 00580 Helsinki Finland.


This privacy statement describes: i) how LL processes personal data of clients, potential clients, the clients counterparty or other party, visitors of LL’s websites, suppliers and the personnel of the aforementioned persons (each “Registered Person”); ii) what data LL records to the register; iii) to what purposes the data in the register is used; iv) to whom data from the register can be transferred or assigned; and v) the rights of the Registered Persons and the obligations of LL.


LL complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) and other applicable data protection laws and regulations when processing personal data.


Purposes and legal grounds for the processing of personal data


The personal data stored in the register is processed for the following purposes:

  • provide, produce and/or acquire services;

  • carry out contractual obligations;

  • establish, administer and maintain client relations (including also collection of debts and dispute resolution);

  • comply with legal obligations;

  • analyze use of LL’s websites; and

  • electronic marketing and direct marketing.


LL processes personal data on the following grounds: i) consent by the Registered Person; ii) legitimate interest of LL (for example, marketing or activities pertaining establishing, administering or maintaining client relations); iii) to carry out agreement or an assignment between LL and its client or supplier; and iv) to comply with its legal obligations (for example anti-money laundering regulation).


Data processed and sources of data


LL processes only such personal data, which are necessary for the purposes described in this privacy statement. The main information of the register (depending on whether the Registered Person is a individual or a business customer) is:


  • Data required for identifying the Registered Person, such as: name, date of birth and/or social security number and copy of passport or other corresponding personal identification documents (dates of birth, social security numbers and copies of personal identification documents are processed only to comply with legal obligations);

  • Data concerning the contact details and employer of the Registered Person, such as: name of the employer, position of the Registered Person in the organization, business identity code of the employer, email address, phone number, address and billing details;

  • To the extent necessary, the above data of the client's counterparty and the contact details of the counterparty's representative;

  • Other data provided by the client or acquired to carry out the assignment; and

  • Possible other data collected subject to consent from the Registered Person.


LL collects data primarily directly from the client and Registered Persons. LL may also collect data from public sources (such as official registers and reputable information services). Personal data of the client’s counterparty is collected primarily from the client and where necessary, from the counterparty and/or public sources.


Cookies and third-party websites


The websites of LL use cookies (i.e. text or picture files with an identifier installed on your browser). The cookies improve the usability of the websites and allow LL to monitor and analyze the use of its websites. LL does not collect other information by using cookies. LL collects only essential cookies that enable core functionality of the site, unless you specifically agree to the collection of non-essential cookies through the cookie notification banner on our website. You can prevent cookies from being stored in your browser settings.


The websites of LL may contain links to third-party websites. LL accepts no liability on the contents or privacy practices of such websites.


Protection, storage and transfers of data outside EU/EEA


Access to the personal data in the register is limited to persons who necessarily need to access the information to carry out their duties. The data in the register is protected by passwords and customary technical security measures. Data recorded to the register is stored as long as it is necessary, given the nature of use of the data, or as long as applicable laws or regulations so require. LL evaluates periodically and continuously the need to store data recorded to the register and deletes unnecessary data.


LL uses reasonable measures to ensure that the register does not contain any data that is, taking into consideration the purpose of the register, incompatible, outdated or erroneous. LL corrects or deletes any outdated or erroneous data without any undue delay following the recognizing of such information.


LL uses subcontractors and service providers (such as accounting firm and IT service providers) who may have access to data registered by LL, or who process personal data on behalf of LL. LL enters into required data processing agreements with said persons and such persons shall have no right to process data registered by LL for their own purposes.


If data recorded to the register is transferred outside the EU/EEA, LL shall ensure that necessary requirements for the transfer of personal data are met (for example by using standard agreement clauses approved by the EU commission). Additional information on the matter can be found here and here.


Rights of the Registered Person


As a Registered Person you have a right to:

  • Inspect the data recorded on you to the register;

  • Demand the correction or deleting of erroneous data pertaining to you;

  • Under certain conditions set out in law, transmit your data to another controller;

  • Withdraw consent relating to processing of personal data on the basis of consent;

  • Object the processing of personal data relating to you, or require the limiting of processing; and

  • Make a complaint to supervising authority about the processing of personal data.


The above rights of the Registered Person may be limited by grounds set out in applicable legislation.

In matters concerning the processing of personal data or pertaining to the exercise of your rights, you may contact the person responsible for data privacy at LL. LL’s contact information is presented at the beginning of this privacy statement.


Versions and amendments of this privacy statement


This version of the privacy statement is adopted on 9 January 2024. LL may update the privacy statement from time to time. The current version of the privacy statement is available on the website of LL at


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